In January 2021 the UK effectively left the EU and a number of changes began taking effect. Protests against the new arrangements have occurred in places like Belfast and dissatisfaction is apparent, but some are optimistic about the opportunities of the situation. 8/6-2021 by Simone Dreessen and Sandra Kaarsgaard The […]

“We act like there is no border”: Mum and dad live 15 min apart, but in two different countries
“I live with my mum and my dad and they’re split across the border.” Sitting across the table is a young blonde woman and her father. She lives in Northern Ireland and he lives in the Republic of Ireland. Two different countries with different currencies, different laws, and different speed […]

“We will survive”: how Copenhagen venues are coping with lockdowns
By Beata Wallsten and Sandra Kaarsgaard, Sunday March 21st 2021 What do you do, when your livelihood crumbles from underneath you, and future plans and prospects seem to disappear every single day? This has been a question on the minds of everyone working in the live music and event industries, […]

”Men er det farligt?”: Musik leger med forventningerne og metal leger med frygten
Sortklædte, aggressive og langhårede. Metalfans er tydeligt illustreret i de fleste menneskers optik, men mange forstår ikke, hvordan nogen kan nyde musikken, der følger med de langhårede musikelskeres udseende. Frastødningen fra de hurtige, højlydte og forvrængede toner kan nemlig sammenlignes med lydene fra farlige situationer. Så hvorfor er der nogle […]

Aarhusianske museer sætter fokus på kvinder og ligestilling i kunst
Festivalen Power of Women indtager Kvindemuseet og ARoS udstiller Women Without Men. Begge sætter fokus på manglen på ligestilling i kunstbranchen. Af Sandra Kaarsgaard Når man tager på museum og ser på kunst, finder man en skævvridning. I mange år er kvindelige kunstnere og deres værker ikke blevet taget seriøst. […]
Urban farming underwater: Growing mussels and seaweed for a cleaner and more diverse harbour in Copenhagen
By Beata Wallsten and Sandra Kaarsgaard, Monday March 22nd 2021 Mussels and seaweed is one way to go for a cleaner Copenhagen harbour. On Kalvebod Bølge, or Kalvebod Wave, on the Danish capital’s waterfront, the organization Havhøst is cultivating life under water. The mussels eat the nutrition and the algae […]

To build or not to build – the Copenhagen conflict between housing and green areas
By Beata Wallsten and Sandra Kaarsgaard, Tuesday March 16th 2021 With a high request for housing in the Danish capital Copenhagen, the municipality of Copenhagen voted for building 2000 new apartments in the preserved green area called Amager Fælled. A decision that has been disputed and questioned by locals and […]
Byhaver på vej til Lisbjerg i samarbejde med kommunen
Drømmer du om at dyrke dine egne kartofler uden for din lille lejlighed, eller er du helt klar på en fælles æblelund ved siden af torvet? Hvis du har ideen og er villig til at arbejde lidt for det, så er Aarhus Kommune klar på at sparre med dig og […]
“My own life has been threatened”: Scotsman living in Northern Ireland fears for his safety after Brexit
If you google the 2021 Riots in Northern Ireland, Wikipedia and the BBC tell you that they’re over and ended on the 9th of April. But if you ask some of the people in Derry, one of the hotspots for the riots, they’re still ongoing. Bryan Sutherland has been living […]

The unique position of NI post the protocol: How the next generation wants to play the hand they’ve been dealt
“We’ve been looking for a sort of step up on the rest of Europe and the rest of the UK for so long. An economic advantage. Now we’ve finally got it and we’re refusing to use it.” The new generation of politicians and politicians-to-be are calling out members of the […]